Why Do I Want To Be A Paramedic Essay

  1. Why Do I Want To Be A Paramedic Essay
  2. Why Do I Want To Be A Paramedic Essay Questions

We will write a custom sample essay on EMT/Paramedic specifically for you. For only $16.38 $13.90/page. If you need this or any other sample, we can send it to. Jun 05, 2014  I wrote a personal essay on why I want to be a paramedic and felt like sharing it here. Being a paramedic isn't about flashing lights and blaring sirens. It isn't about big shiny trucks, wearing a badge and a uniform, or working with firefighters.

Why Do I Want To Be A Paramedic Essay

I'm about to go back to work at the small department I've worked at part time before. I currently am a volunteer in the system, and know everyone and function in the exact same role as I would if I was hired, only without a paycheck. I talked to the Chief tonight and he said there is an essay test on the day of pre-employment testing. He said the questions would be scenario questions, plus one or two 'Why do you want to be a firefighter paramedic for our County?' I feel pretty comfortable with these people, and have been in the system longer than all of their current personnel. I am, however, new as a firefighter. What would you say in this essay?

Why Do I Want To Be A Paramedic Essay Questions

I want to be completely honest and say, 'I want to earn money doing the work instead of working for free,' but I think that would be a little too snotty. Somethign funny, not too serious, not too arrogant. I'm about to go back to work at the small department I've worked at part time before. I currently am a volunteer in the system, and know everyone and function in the exact same role as I would if I was hired, only without a paycheck. I talked to the Chief tonight and he said there is an essay test on the day of pre-employment testing.