Thesis Statement For Argumentative Essay Medical Marijuana

Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Argumentative Essay: Legalization of cannabis In most countries, possession and use of cannabis that is also commonly known as marijuana is considered illegal. In fact, it can be noted that for many years, cannabis has been considered to an illegal drug in most countries. Nevertheless, today, some countries have legalized cannabis while other countries have not. In particular, small quantities of cannabis have been allowed in regions such as Europe, North America and South America. Moreover, in the United States, some states such as Washington and Colorado have also legalized the possession and usage of marijuana for medical purposes. On the other hand, various penalties are imposed for use or possession of cannabis in most countries. The penalties generally range from simple to severe punishments.

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Argumentative Essay Examples

Thesis statement for argumentative essay medical marijuana 2017

Possession of small quantities of marijuana is not punished the same way as possession of large quantities. In this argumentative essay, I seek to argue the reasons why cannabis should be legalized, and why it should not. Primarily, cannabis should be legalized since it is used for medication, and its legalization means better and higher quality health standards.

Argumentative Essay Meaning

For example, Sativex is a recent drug that has been discovered to cure Multiple Sclerosis (Kmietowicz 89). The drug has been used in the United Kingdom to treat MS patients, and it has been found to work effectively. Therefore, banning of cannabis would be a disadvantage to people who suffer from diseases that use cannabis as a major component in their medicine. The usage of cannabis for medical purpose is the strongest reason to legalize it.

Argumentative Essay on Legalization of Euthanasia Introduction Euthanasia, which is also known as mercy killings, has been pronounced legal in many countries in the present-day world. It basically involves terminating the life of a patient so as to relieve pain and suffering, especially if. For euthanasia essay. The first step in writing a euthanasia argumentative essay is to research the topic. There are many sources online that would give adequate account of the topic at hand. The sources need to be scholarly and very relevant to the counter argument you intend to use. Euthanasia is one of the subjects that have faced intense debate over time, the legalization of euthanasia have been debated for many years with different views presented in terms of ethical and legal consideration for both patients and health care providers. Free Euthanasia Essay - The word 'euthanasia' is Greek, which means 'a good death.' The issue is far more complex than what a dictionary's explanation is. The issue of euthanasia is one of the most discussed topics in all of the United States Congress.

Argumentative research paper on legalization of marijuana Sudoku is because the essay is a fine. 12.0 taylor dissertation argumentation theory, 2010 for a common argument for argumentative essay about any prohibitions outline. 1 - it's not bad, 2011 i have created. Build Your Thesis Statement > Log in. Search Essay Examples. Browse by Category. Browse by Type Medical Marijuana Essay Examples. 40 total results. The Misrepresentation of Marijuana on Society. An Analysis of the Employment of Medical Marijuana in the United States of America. Thesis Statement Medical Marijuana when used properly and not abused can show to have positive affects for people with chronic pain, people with seizures, help people that have trouble eating or reduce of vomiting, it also helps with patients that have anxiety or have shown feelings of depression.


Cannabis helps a condition that is known as cancer chemotherapy. Solutions for obesity in america essay. The condition causes extreme vomiting to its patients. It also helps to open up lungs of an asthma patient (Kmietowicz 89).

Sample Thesis Statement For Argumentative Essay

Moreover, the legalization of marijuana can also yield a new tax source for the government, which will consequently increase the government revenue. When this argument is viewed in perspective of the current economic situation, it can be noted that the argument makes a lot of sense. Indeed, that is the case since at the moment, most of the returns from cannabis business ends up with criminal gangs that control its trade in various regions around the world. However, that situation would be changed since if marijuana was legalized, the government would control its trade.